Mission 401
This class is the fourth class of MBF's four basic classes. In class 101 you committed to being a member of God’s family. In class 201 you committed to the habits for spiritual maturity. In class 301 you committed and learned about discovering your shape for being in ministry through our church family. And in this class you’re going to begin to discover your mission in the world.
I WAS CREATED TO FULFILL GOD’S PURPOSE. Proverbs 16:4 says “The Lord has made everything for His purpose.” God had a purpose for bringing you here today because He wants you to understand better His purpose for your life.
GOD PLANNED MY LIFE MISSION BEFORE I WAS BORN. Ephesians 2:10 “God is our maker and in union with Christ He has created us for a life of good works which He has already prepared for us to do.” God planned your life mission even before you were born. Your life mission has both universal elements and unique elements. There are parts of your life mission that apply to every Christian and there are parts of your life mission that apply uniquely to you, what God custom designed you to do.
FULFILLING MY LIFE MISSION BRINGS GLORY TO GOD. Jesus said in John 17:4 “I have brought You glory on earth by completing the work You gave Me to do.”
MY PRIMARY TASK IN LIFE IS TO FULFILL MY LIFE MISSION. The Bible teaches us this. Acts 20:24 “The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me to tell people the good news about God’s grace.” Regardless of what else God wants you to do with your life, if you are a believer, He has an assignment for you.
I commit the rest of my life to being a messenger of God’s good news to other people, using my time, talents, and treasures for His kingdom regardless of where it leads or what it costs. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:9 “We make it our goal to please Him.”
What is our goal? To measure up to God’s plan for our lives.
If you are interested in fulfilling God's mission for your life, then we encourage you to take this class and find your common and unique mission for your life by clicking the button below. We'd love to see you in this class.