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Encounter 101

Welcome to Encounter 101. This is the basic introduction to the Mosaic Bible Fellowship. This class is divided into four different sessions of about an hour each. The four sessions are:

1. Our salvation: What God has done for us!

2. Our statement (Purpose and mission): Why we exist as a church!

3. Our strategy: How we fulfill our purpose and mission!

4. Our structure: What kind of effective frame we have for loving God and loving others!


The basis of this class, on page 1, is Ephesians 2:19, "You are a member of God's very own family and you belong in God's household with every other Christian."

The key truths from this bible verse are these:


1.  The church is a family.   

2.  God expects me to be a member of a family. 

3.  A Christian without a church family is an orphan. 


The Bible says, if you're a Christian, it means you're apart of the body of Christ. You could be the hand, the ear, the eyes, the nose, the liver. You need to be a part of a local church family.


What's the difference between being a Christian and being a member of a church family. The difference is the word "commitment". We become a Christian by committing our life to Christ. We become a member of a church by committing ourselves to other Christians. 


We say, "That's going to be my church home where I'm going to give and be given to, where I'm going to serve and be served, where I'll love and be loved." 


So, what makes MBF a family? If you are interested in being a part of our church family, then take this class and find out. Click the button below and email us with your name. We'd love to see you in this class!

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