2024 Small Groups
Friday nights for Fellowship, Bible Study (click the study title to download), and Prayers.
Thank you for your participation. If you want to join a small group, let us know, please. Email us: nvcccem@gmail.com
Current Small Group Study Schedule (Fridays)
Created to Dream
5 Created to Dream Session 1: How Faith and Dreaming Are Connected
12 Created to Dream Session 2: Discovering God's Dream for You
19 Created to Dream Session 3: Making Wise Decisions
26 Created to Dream Session 4: Persisting Through Delays
2 Created to Dream Session 5: Dealing with Difficulties
9 Created to Dream Session 6: From Dead Ends to Deliverance
Life Lessons from Book of Psalms
16 Lesson 1: A Heart Condition
23 Lesson 2: Trusting God
1 Lesson 3 (Church): God's Law
8 Lesson 4 (The Hong's): Finding Comfort and Rest
15 Lesson 5 (Church): Forgiveness
22 Lesson 6 (The Hong's): Resting in God
29 Good Friday Joint Service with CM
5 Lesson 7 (Church): Dealing with Guilt
12 Lesson 8 (The Hong's): True Happiness
19 Lesson 9 (Church): A Fresh Perspective
26 Lesson 10 (*Online only): Remembering the Important Things
* 4/27 Church joint picnic
3 Lesson 11 (Church): God Saves and Protects
10 Lesson 12 (Church): The Happy Home
The Christian and the Holy Spirit
(Church and Online)
17 The Christian and the Holy Spirit series - Who is the Holy Spirit and why did He come?
24 The Christian and the Holy Spirit series (Online only) - The Holy Spirit's Relationship with you
31 The Christian and the Holy Spirit series - Why so few Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit?
(Church and Online)
07 The Christian and the Holy Spirit series - How you can be filled with the Holy Spirit
14 The Christian and the Holy Spirit series - How you can know when you are filled with the Holy Spirit
21 The Christian and the Holy Spirit series - How you can continue to be filled with the Holy Spirit
28 The Christian and the Holy Spirit series - RECAP
The Christian Adventure series
12 The Christian Adventure series - The Christian's Certainty
19 The Christian Adventure series - The Christ-Controlled Life
26 The Christian Adventure series - Five Principles of Growth
02 The Christian Adventure series - The Christian's Authority
09 The Christian Adventure series - Learning to Pray
16 The Christian Adventure series - The Importance of the Church
23 The Christian Adventure series - Recap
The Old Testament Study
13 Moses, the Passover, and the Exodus
27 No small group meeting (2024 NVCCC joint picnic preparation)
28 2024 NVCCC Joint Fall Picnic at Burke Lake Park
04 Law and Grace - Part 1b (*Use Law and Grace - Part 1a link, please.)
11 NVCCC Annual Retreat
25 Deliverance and Forgiveness
01 Elijah: The Power of a Spirit-led Person
08 Jeremiah: A Witness Who Stood Alone
29 Thanksgiving! (potluck at 6:30PM at church. After dinner, there will be fun games and fellowship.)
6 The Lord's Supper and Christmas Decoration
27 No small groups (See you at New Year's party at pastor Peter's on 12/31)
Mosaic Bible Fellowship of NVCCC